Inkscape 1.3 instaling
Inkscape 1.3 instaling

Inkscape 1.3 instaling

Libncurses-dev libxt-dev libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin git-core gcc-4.7 g++-4.7ĭownload OpenFOAM-2.1.0 and ThirdParty-2.1.0 # windows with cup and cookies comes up, click pictureĬopy all tutorials to LIGGGHTS_User folderĪpt-get install build-essential cmake flex bison zlib1g-dev qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev gnuplot libreadline-dev \

Inkscape 1.3 instaling Inkscape 1.3 instaling

Sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libboost-all-dev libboost-dev libopenexr-dev libsdl-dev zlib1g-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff-dev # window with sin graph comes up, press Ctr+d to quit. Sudo mv liggghts3.lang /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs Install Syntax Highlighting for xed (gedit) Install LPP for post processing (converts LIGGGHTS Dumps to vtk-files) - doesn't work? # Liggghts comes up, telling version, compiling date etc., press Ctr+d to quit Sudo ln -s /$HOME/LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC3.6.0/src/lmp_ubuntuVTK /usr/bin/liggghts360 # create system wide shortcut liggghts360 for compiled binary (I used to have different versions parallel) Gedit /$HOME/LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC3.6.0/src/MAKE/Makefile.ubuntuVTKĪdd "-DLAMMPS_JPEG -DLAMMPS_PNG" in line 32Ĭhange line 73 to "VTK_INC = -I/usr/include/vtk-5.10"Ĭhange line 74 to "VTK_LIB = -lvtkCommon -lvtkFiltering -lvtkIO -lvtkParallel -lvtkGraphics" # if you need extra packages install with sudo make yes-packagename # 2.3 Compiling Liggghts with VORONOI and jpg, png support Sudo apt install git libvtk5-dev libeigen2-dev openmpi-bin openmpi-doc libopenmpi-dev

Inkscape 1.3 instaling